Female Short Hairstyles
19.10 Kirsten Dunst's Hair Style:Actress Kirsten Dunst wears a smart, attractive hair style. Her short, wavy hair is parted on the side with bangs combed neatly above the forehead. It's a rounded, almost boyish look, curving in at the neck and leaving the ears free.
Very Short Hair Styles
19.08Fashy Jessica claimed to have life changing good for a makeover of Maria Ozawa's rusting hairdo with black hair extensions. Surprised Maria defended herself by claiming her hairdo being one of the awesomely cool, punk, funky emo hairstyles for girls who wear colored contacts or cheap contact lenses.
Short Hairstyles
19.04A short hairstyle can be a bold statement and is also a style that can not necessarily be pulled off by just anyone. If you decide to go with short hair your biggest challenge can be keeping it feminine.
Short Hair Styles of Jessica Alba
13.25Restyling herself with one of the female celebrity haircuts would surely help to gain on self respect thought Evelin as she carelessly dreamed about cute, short haircuts of Jessica Alba. She imagined how she would become more courageous and successful, if she manages to match her round, edgy face to one of the trendy celebrity hairstyles that make any women more beautiful.
Andi Muise Photo Gallery

Andi Muise was Born on January 12, 1987 in North Bay, Ontario,Canada. She is top model.